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What Expenses Are Included in Child Support Calculations?

 Posted on August 16, 2023 in Divorce

TX family lawyerChild support is a payment provided by one parent to the other to help cover child-raising expenses. The amount of child support owed depends on various factors, like the income of both parents, the number of children, and how much time each parent spends with them.

What Expenses You Can Expect Child Support to Cover

The expenses included in child support calculations are essential for the child's well-being and development. They typically cover basic living requirements like food, clothing, shelter, and basic educational costs

Additional Child Support Expenses

Other expenses, considered to be "extraordinary" or "unusual" may be factored into child support calculations. Special needs expenses, covering medical care, therapy, and other necessities, may be considered. Educational expenses, like private school tuition and tutoring, could also be included. Expenses for vacations and sporting events might be factored in if they are deemed beneficial but not required for the child. These expenses are often considered to be eligible for reimbursement.

What Happens After I Pay Child Support in Texas?

You can expect the following to happen once a child support payment has been made:

  • The money is sent to the Office of the Attorney General (OAG).
  • The OAG distributes the money to the parent who is receiving child support
  • The OAG keeps track of your payments
  • The OAG makes sure that you are paying the correct amount
  • The OAG can help you if you have any questions about your child support payments
  • The OAG can help you create a payment plan if you are having trouble paying your child support

When you pay child support, you will receive a receipt showing the amount paid and the date of payment. It is important to keep these receipts until the case is closed. If you do not keep them, you may lose your right to claim reimbursement for any expenses related to the child. Receipts serve as proof of payment. If you ever need to prove that you have paid child support, such as if the other parent challenges your payment history, you will need to have your receipts.

Child Support Expense Factors are Important

Understanding child support and its many parts can be hard, but it is vital for the financial well-being of your child. Parents should consider all the factors and expenses involved and work towards providing their child with the necessary support for a stable and secure future. Seek legal advice to ensure the best outcome for your child's welfare. Any questions or concerns about child support can be answered by a knowledgeable attorney.

Contact a Houston, TX Family Law Attorney

The Cusic Law Firm, P.C. understands the difficulties and sensitive nature surrounding child support and custody matters. Our Harris County, TX child support attorneys are here to offer in-depth and caring assistance specifically to your situation. Whether you are facing a child support dispute or seeking custody arrangements, you can contact our team at 713-650-1866. We will advocate for your rights and the best interests of your child. Schedule a free 30-minute consultation today.


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