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Houston High Asset Divorce Lawyer

Harris County high net worth divorce lawyer

Protecting Your Property In A High Asset Divorce

When you and your spouse share high-value assets, dividing them in a divorce can be challenging. Most spouses jointly own almost all of their assets. When you and your spouse have been financially successful, you may even be reluctant to divorce due to concerns about how your marital property will be divided up, or you may have a prenuptial agreement that you are afraid will leave you high and dry. While dividing the property from a high-asset marriage can be difficult, we can help you arrive at a final decree that is fair and leaves you in a secure position.

The Cusic Law Firm, P.C. is experienced in high-asset divorce. We take on cases involving complex financial entanglements such as joint investments and co-owned businesses or rental units. Our attorneys have the practical skills and knowledge needed to establish a fair division of property no matter how contentious your divorce may be.

Mediating High-Asset Divorce in Houston

Mediation can be an excellent way to resolve property distribution in a high-asset marriage while preserving your privacy and keeping things as amicable and low-conflict as possible.

Our attorneys are skilled at using mediation to save both parties the substantial amount of time and money it takes to litigate a high-asset divorce. Even if you and your spouse cannot be in the same room, we have mediation strategies available where you do not have to see each other at all. Mediating or negotiating property division agreements can be an excellent strategy, as it allows you and your spouse greater flexibility to divide assets in a way that works for both of you.

Of course, if your spouse will not cooperate with mediation, we are by no means afraid to take them to court. If your divorce is contentious enough to go to litigation, you find in us a knowledgeable, responsive, and zealous courtroom advocate.

Community Property and High Net Worth Divorce

Texas is a community property state, meaning that all marital property is owned equally by both spouses, regardless of whose income was used to purchase it. It is a common fear of non-working or lower-earning spouses that they will lose most of their marital assets in a divorce, but this fear is largely unfounded. The domestic work performed by stay-at-home spouses is seen as having real economic value to a marriage. Texas courts divide marital assets in a manner that is fair to both parties.

Complex financial situations like the comingling of marital and separate property may exist, particularly if you were married for a long time. Real estate investments and stock portfolios are often funded or improved on due to contributions from both spouses.

We will conduct a thorough accounting to determine what is marital or separate property. Our main goal is always to ensure that you receive the share of marital property you are rightfully entitled to.

High-Asset Divorce and the Prenuptial Agreement

We often hear from clients who signed a prenuptial agreement before entering a high-asset marriage and are afraid that they will be left with nothing and nowhere to go. This is extremely unlikely - if your prenuptial agreement would leave you unable to support yourself, it can be declared unconscionable and discarded. The court may also refuse to enforce it if there was an element of coercion or if your spouse was dishonest about their assets.

Speak With a Houston Attorney for High-Asset Divorce

If you are considering beginning the process of divorce from your high-asset marriage, The Cusic Law Firm, P.C. can offer you top-quality representation. Our attorneys are highly experienced at dividing high-value and complex assets when a marriage ends. Contact us online or call 713-650-1866 for a free consultation.

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